What is your greatest strength?
My greatest strength lies in faith. It is behind everything I do, every hour of every day. My mother taught me young that faith was important. She went to great lengths to instill this in me. She insisted every day that I learn to pray. And so I did. Every day I prayed, and I had faith that one day I would be free… I was nearly sixteen when they took me away; prayers answered.
I still pray, but my prayers are less formal than they once were. I still take out the idols of my patron goddesses, Artemis and Aphrodite, setting them carefully on the velvet cloth in a silent moment. However most of my prayers are hurried whispers as my viper is loaded into the tubes and launched into combat against an enemy that outnumbers and outguns us. I let faith take it from there.
I have faith in the knuckledraggers on Chief Tyrol’s crew. I know all the repairs will be done. I have faith that those repairs will hold through just one more fight. I have faith that my shots will hit their intended target, faith that we’ll al make it back in one piece.
I have faith that we’ll manage to find water and food when we need it, that as a race we will survive, that I will one day see a sunrise again. I have faith that one day… We will find Earth.
Kara Thrace
Battlestar Galactica
240 words
Color me Blue
How is it possible to love and hate a color at the same time? I always loved the blue of the sky when I would lie in the grass and watch the clouds as a little girl. I guess it only made sense that I would one day become a pilot and live in the depths of that deep blue… but there are other shades of blue, darker shades.
Those shades are the ones I hate. The blue that borders on black, which rings the outside of the bruises forming on your cheek when you’ve spoken out of turn. Or even darker, when a bone breaks, turning your hands near black, swollen and unusable… those are the shades of blue that colored my childhood.
As I’ve grown though. I’ve learned to appreciate the lighter shades of blue. The duty uniform I wear; the military is the only place I’ve ever really felt wanted or needed. The blue steel of a Mark VII Viper; my ticket to freedom… However, the best shade of blue there is belongs to the eyes that smile at me from across the bunkroom…
Blue eyes that stare right into my soul, tearing down carefully built walls. Touching me in ways even a lover’s hands cannot compete with, stealing my heart with every glance. Hard yet gentle at the same time… and always present. I’ve heard it said that clothes make the man… but not in this case. Blue eyes make Lee Adama.
Kara Thrace
Battlestar Galactica
246 Words
When in your life did you feel the most alone?
Alone is a feeling I have known all too well; though lately loneliness and I have gotten re-acquainted. Spending several days on a near barren planet that once was inhabited by billions of people is a lonely feeling, that is true… it doesn’t even begin to compare to true loneliness.
I first thought I felt it when I told Lee about passing Zak through basic flight… then set out on a potential suicide mission to gain intel on just what was waiting for us beyond that cloud, then weeks later, when had to make that same confession to Zaks’ father. It tore me up inside. The hurt in his eyes… I felt I had lost the only father I ever knew…
Weeks later, I would find out what it truly meant to be lonely. I found out that the man I trusted as a father had lied to all of us… he had no idea where we were going… Lee was angry with me for yet another one of my many screw ups… I tried to apologize… tried to make things right…
That’s when I learned what it truly felt like to be alone. I said I was sorry… and he just walked away.
Kara Thrace
Battlestar Galactica
204 Words
Have you ever betrayed someone's confidence? Has anyone ever betrayed you? Write a ficlet on the theme of betrayal.
Betrayal… The utter devastation of the fragile trust between us all. It can be carefully planned, intentional secrets withheld through a misguided belief that it is for the greater good. Or it may be a harsh word spoken in the heat of an argument. Either way the knife cuts as deep.
Betrayer or betrayed? I am both.
I unknowingly betrayed my best friend when I left the Colonial Day celebrations on the arm of another. Honestly I had no indications that he saw me as more than a friend… that on some level he saw me as his girl…
Ironically I had always wanted that to be the case, but too much had happened over the years. There was as much friction as there was fire between us. If I am honest with myself, I know I have loved him a long time… years… I wanted so desperately for it to be his arms that held me, his breath hot against my neck, his flesh searing against mine… wanted so much that I betrayed my heart, letting another take me, the betrayal complete when Lee’s name slipped from my lips…
Only a few hours later he would confront me on my betrayal; airing the hurt and pain he felt ( Your just a pilot, I’m just a CAG) in front of a deck full of grunts and knuckledraggers. His words stung ( a pilot who can’t keep her pants on) but I knew he was hurting. I myself would not understand just how much betrayal hurt until later.
Commander Adama has no idea where Earth is. He never did. He made it up; in order to give people hope.
Her words were still ringing in my ears as I caught up with him on the catwalk overlooking the hangar deck. A few casual words were exchanged before I couldn’t hold it in any longer.
Can I ask you a question Boss...? I know he wouldn’t lie to me directly… he just wouldn’t…
How much longer til we reach Earth? There… its asked…
Its hard to say… It wasn’t a direct answer…. But it was a start…
Got a guess?
You know I don’t like to guess… Come ON… I know you know, just tell me you know… I could feel the sickening feeling rising. He wouldn’t look me in the eye…
We getting closer? This is me… come on, you know you can tell me anything… I’m giving you an out.
I’m sure we are… he stepped back from the railing… Good luck on the jump test tomorrow… With those last words he turned and walked away, never having looked me in the eye since I asked the first question, never seeing my heart, my faith in him shattered… He lied. He lied to the fleet…. He really didn’t know… he lied… he lied to me….
The man I held as close as my own father didn’t trust me with the truth. So he lied and I finally understood just how deep the cut of betrayal is felt.
Kara Thrace
Battlestar Galactica
511 words
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